The Simson saddle 'E-bike' is a universal saddle specially designed for 'E-bikers'. Simson's 'E-bike' saddle is equipped with a handle that is integrated into the saddle's rail. This makes it easy to manoeuvre the bike, even if it is a bit heavier. Simson's 'E-bike' saddle is filled with a comfortab...
The Simson saddle 'E-bike' is a universal saddle specially designed for 'E-bikers'. Simson's 'E-bike' saddle is equipped with a handle that is integrated into the saddle's rail. This makes it easy to manoeuvre the bike, even if it is a bit heavier. Simson's 'E-bike' saddle is filled with a comfortable soft foam padding that provides a comfortable seating surface. The saddle is very suitable for cyclists who transport children on the back of the bike, because there are no parts (such as springs) on the saddle that can hurt children's hands. The Simson saddle 'E-bike' has a length of 248mm, a width of 205mm, weighs 485 grams and is black in colour.